NoSQL operator: ldaptolist

Turns selected LDAP entries into a NoSQL list. Requires the OpenLDAP
utility 'ldapsearch'.

Usage: ldaptolist [options] attr [attr ...] -- [ldapsearch options] filter(s)

    --output (-o) 'file'
      Write output to 'file' instead of STDOUT.

    --charset (-c) 'string'
      Specify the desired output character set, in iconv(1) format.
      Defaults to UTF-8 if unspecified.

    --help (-h)
      Print this help info.

      Marks the end of 'ldaptolist' own options and the beginning
      of 'ldapsearch' options and filters. This is not really an
      option as it is required.

See ldapsearch(1) for more information on the relevant options
and filters.


This operator queries an OpenLDAP server, usually slapd(8), and formats
the results into a NoSQL list containing only the specified LDAP attributes.
If any of the requested attributes are not found in the query output, the
corresponding output list entries will have null values.